👋 Hello. I'm Caspar

About me

I'm a solo developer or "bootstrapper" making and marketing my own software products. Currently, I'm working on keepthescore.com. Read about how and why I got started here.

I sporadically write articles on my blog about my journey as a software developer, some creative writing and the occasional rant.

I live in Berlin with my family.

If you want to read about my progress follow me on Twitter LinkedIn.

Biggish Software Projects

Here are 4 things I made that are being used by more than 400 people a day. All them are my own work, bar Kittysplit which is a collaboration.

🎯 KeepTheScore

A nifty little webapp for keeping track of scores online. Includes bespoke scoreboards for baseball, football, pickleball, and many more...

😽 Kittysplit

Kittysplit is a webapp that allows painless cashing up after an event. I have sold my stake in Kittysplit.

🤬 Insult-o-Matic

A silly Android app that allows you to send mild spoken insults to your friends and enemies. It's been downloaded over 300.000 times.

📲 Android Wallpapers

I've made a bunch of wallpaper apps for your Android phone. They've been download over 500.000 times. Can you really afford to continue living without them?

Smallish Projects and other things

This website is hosted on Github. Get the code here.